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Prince Dreamer
Name: Patrick Fehroz
First Breath on: 04th November 1987
Small Size
Loves Music
Likes to dance
Day Dreamer
Loves to talk
Huge Dreams
Respect people who tries. Even if it is a small thing or even if it fails.
Dance... The poetry of movements.. Every step links to another.. It tells a story.. A story only spoken by a body.. A story which comes from inside.. which never lies.. It let others see what music is.. Fit for everyone.. No matter who you are. Dance is my pulse, my heartbeat, my breathing . Its the rhythm of my life. Its an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy!
The Story
Blogged by..
Dreamer @ Wednesday, April 25, 2007
School was kind of fun today... Oh actually it was more like madness... I have a drama performance this coming Friday and we had our first rehearsal like today. It was really madness... Was in school up to 6.45PM... and i wonder why it has to rain everyday... Sian ah...
And the worst part of today was seeing my enlistment letter. I am suppose to report on 15th June 2007 for my full time national service.. I can't imagine myself doing NS so fast..LOL... CAn't got to school tmr.... Gotta settle my stuff A.S.A.P... Have to go to Immigration office also... To extend passport.. Gonna be a long day for me tmr man... GOtta rush back after all my tasks for lessons and DRama rehearsal.... CAn somebody accompany me...
Hip hop group has finally gained some recognition by the whole school. everyone knows that a Hip Hop group exists in MI. How EXCITING? Nows that gonna be another burden but it is my PASSSION. FOund some real nice people who shares the same passion as ME. Thanks DUDEZzzz.. Although Life can get stressed out real badly, there are real nice people who makes these stress go away.. REally important what kind of people you mix around with. They can break you or make you... ANyway, talked too much already.. time to go now.. Life is not easy.. Learn how to Live it.... Ayte....
thanx for all the great kicks
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Dreamer @ Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Tuesdays are the worst days in my opinion. School freaking ends at 6pm... Thats damn tiring.. I was seriously serioulsy stoning during GP lesson... gotta really buck up big time... ok time to sleep. Nitez...
thanx for all the great kicks
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Dreamer @ Monday, April 23, 2007

well.... This is me.... AFter church... Actually wanted to post it a long time ago.... This was on easter.....
thanx for all the great kicks
Quite a funny day i would say... Watching some earth week action in school.. wearing all kind of funny recycled material and walking around.....Hahas....was Quite a funny sight to see...Lol..
Class finally sat down together and discussed something after such a long time... Hopefully my class comes back together like how it was on the first month of school... SORRY if i did anything wrong to anyone... Jus felt saying this.....
GOtta improve on my standing broad jump.... The teacher in charge of my class for PE today was horrible. She refused to explain to me what my mistake was. HOW SICK? Nvm.. Anyway got a long day tmr... Lots of subjects tmr... Gotta mentally prepare myself....
thanx for all the great kicks
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Dreamer @ Sunday, April 22, 2007
Well, alot of things has happened during these few days. Good things and bad things. I realised that the class I am in is not as good as I thought. People i thought who were the best turned out to be the worst. I seriously thought that i could really relate well with those people but they are not what i expected them to be. Now i know why people say don't trust someone too much. It really hurts when they disappoint you. But the best part of these was i came to know what kind of true friends i have in class... People who care and rocks big time.. and oh yes... I must say...
I got the best speaker award for a inter-class debate competition. A competition that i wasn't even selected for. I was rejected by my teacher coz she thought that I was too aggressive and wasn't able to emphasize my point clearly. At first, it felt real bad but i took it as constructive criticism. I made up my mind that i will improve and make it to the debate team next year....but some things happened and i got into the team like damn last minute....and i won the best speaker... Felt so good to shut some people's mouth and see the look on their pathetic faces...
The worst news that i couldn;t bear was when I heard that my church has closed down. Very depressing.. Couldn't do anything... couldn't study, sleep, eat. I have been there all my life but Life is like that.. Never know what you gonna get.....
Still must do assignment la.. Sian eh... MI life is becoming more and more demanding....... Any advice anyone.....
thanx for all the great kicks
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Dreamer @ Thursday, April 05, 2007
Today is my first day blogging. I din know what blogging was all about.. how pathetic... Anyway... I am a dreamer who is full of dreams... and mind you... i dun just live in dream land but i work hard to make all my dreams come true.... Once.. I thought I'll never make it life... Actually thats what everyone said... so stupid of me to listen to them .... but since 01st January 2006... i learn something new... Don't care what people say.. Just do it... Dream Big, achieve big.... this is all for now.... Will be back with more info about me. Take care people. Love you all... God bless
thanx for all the great kicks
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