".Adi Dassler -- The Man Who Gave Adidas The Name."
Adolf Dassler was inspired by a single idea
when he made his first shoes in 1920, at the age of just 20.
His vision was to provide every athlete
with the best footwear for his respective discipline.
It was this principle
that guided him right up until his death in 1978.
700 patents and other industrial property rights
worldwide are proof of his permanent quest for perfection.
Name: Patrick Fehroz First Breath on: 04th November 1987 Small Size Loves Music Likes to dance Day Dreamer Loves to talk Huge Dreams
Respect people who tries. Even if it is a small thing or even if it fails.
Dance... The poetry of movements.. Every step links to another.. It tells a story.. A story only spoken by a body.. A story which comes from inside.. which never lies.. It let others see what music is.. Fit for everyone.. No matter who you are. Dance is my pulse, my heartbeat, my breathing . Its the rhythm of my life. Its an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy!
many months in a strange land has taken me into empty unfamiliar situations life has taught me to stop thinking but just live it experience it and observe it
why did i always ponder about the future? worry about what it may bring?
the future will always be the future the past is gone... so why did i always worry about the future and missing the past?
if i planted the seed in the present and cared for it's growth with love and passion then the results will come...
even if the results weren't what i thought it to be at least i have enjoyed my present life ... which is NOW... NOW... NOW... NOW... NOW...
i am so glad to learn to just live life....
thanx for all the great kicks
shadows cast upon a brick wall cast upon a tree cast upon a broken front
are but shadows
they have no emotions no life
like shadows, our past and future are but a projection within the time scale
it can get distorted on different surfaces
but we are the key to the shadows and we have the choice to be where we want to cast it
so choose how you want to cast your shadows
there is no good or bad just a projection
a beautiful shadow or not lies in the heart of the beholder
it has been a very rewarding yet a very upsetting day for me... how could it be right? what irony... yet irony exists for a good reason i have just realized today... it makes you see both sides of the story and thus making it full and beautiful.
i have learned about confidence. confidence is strength gained through practice...says he. yet faith is confidence before practice... it's the ultimate knowing.
i realized that whatever strength or knowledge you know or prossess it is meaningless if others are not there to appreciate. there is only so much you can do for yourself and much more needs approval from others as of universe.
like a universe has no reason for existence if it does not stand the test of human destruction for a greater understanding of it powers
it is thus not an arrogance but a test of faith.
yet knowing that you have no control of all yet you createall... that is the beauty of creation that is the beauty of faith that is beautiful that is irony
doesn't it make you think why good things always come to an end? doesn't it make you feel relieve that bad things have ended? isn't it better just not to feel? or is it better to feel everything? do we wanna get hurt? or do we wanna forget everything? doesn't it make you think what is the best way to be? to experience life to its fullest? or to live it untouched? doesn't it make you think why we exist? doesn't it make you think why we are the way we are?
this moment or that? what is your most precious moment?
we are always asked
what is your most memorable moment? what is the funniest moment in your life? what is the saddest... what is the happiest... what is ...
how about precious? what is the most precious moment in your life?
for me... this is. this is and this is....etc...
i keep getting distracted by what people have, what people expect and what people want, which in turn make make me want to have, make me expect, make me want...
my mind racing ahead of me wanting and expecting... like a bondage from the material world. like a bondage from the darkened mind.
and when i got what i wanted. i was not happy. but wanted more!
then i sit and contemplate. i sit and listen. i sit and be. i. be.
then i feel alive again. or this (this...this...this...this...) precious moment have made me whole...
the moon shines not of its own source but reflects relentlessly the brillance of the sun little did he know he is so admired for being him and the sun faithfully shares her with us by hiding behind the earth
what a relationship between him and her that gives us the variety of day and night and of knowing and feeling
the moon reflects his rays showing his power and displaying her beauty
often we take advantage of their efforts and forget to reflect on its purpose
next time you see the sun be gratified for she gives us life and the moon that he reminds us to reflect
kiss me, out of the bearded barley nightly, beside the green green grass swing swing swing the spinning step you wear those shoes and I will wear that dress
oh kiss me, under the milky twilight lead me out on the moonlit floor lift your open hand, strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance silver moon's sparkling, so kiss me
kiss me, down by the broken treehouse swing me up on its hanging tire bring bring bring your flowered hat we'll take the trail marked down your father's map
oh kiss me, under the milky twilight lead me out on the moonlit floor lift your open hand, strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance silver moon's sparkling, so kiss me
manys months have passed... many journeys taken. now i am back to my confused state. finding what i have forgotten or put away about myself.
the journey is hard. the journey is complicated.
from outside we go in to the within and from within we shine outwards.
my mind reflects my world and my world reflects my mind.
why such theories are so easy to understand yet so difficult to practice?
my journey within started in 2005 in a wayward direction why now it seems like it is going in many more ways? am i distracted? am i exploring my possibilities?
the journey within is a parallel to the journey outwards... does it then mean i am unsure of my mind? or unsure of my world?
i pray i am moving in the desired direction.
why is it so hard to see when there is someone else involved and so lonely when there is not?
less and more come together we realise that we learn less as we learn more less in comparison to the whole and the whole seems to get bigger and bigger and it now seems like an endless pit we keep trying to see the end but realized we cant we keep trying to trace the beginning but we can only guess
so what do we do? to learn less or to learn more
its not what we learn its what we see
knowledge is never ending but wisdom puts an end to all things
thanx for all the great kicks
Its me again... Oh my freaking goodness... Its more than a month since i even smelled this page... Anyway.... where can i begin from.... June Holidays should be the best way to start... Went for a overseas CIP trip to Cambodia.... AWESOME is the best word i can find in the dictionary... seriously.... although it is a country that needs serious development, I really enjoyed myself... Living Life in a village.... No lights, no air con, no computer... NOTHING... but there were millions of stars that lit up the whole sky... AWWW. That was the best part of the trip... Standing in the middle of a field, with three other people who really rock.... gazing at the stars under the moonlight... (SIGHS)... SIMPLY AWESOME....Oh ya not forgetting the best part... I ate Fried Crickets..... I know it sounds utterly disgusting but it tasted awesome...
There... Holding in my hands is the biggest cricket i have ever seen.. It tasted really good, though..
This whole trip enriched me with a great experience... I learned how to live simply during those times.... Made quite alot of new friends who really touched me their friendship...
I also learnt that though we have alot of things... we are never satisfied... They nothing much yet they are satisfied.. Best piece of advice i heard from someone, "In the Comfort Zone, there is no Growth.... and in the Growth Zone, There is no Comfort." This was said by Reuben, the guy who gave up his comfort in Singapore who is now serving in Cambodia... SALUTES to him... Rock on Reuben...
Words cannot describe the experience i had... To jus say it in two words... Like i always say... "SIMPLY AWESOME....
dunno when i am gonna come back here but till I do.... Impossible is nothing.....