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".Adi Dassler -- The Man Who Gave Adidas The Name."
Adolf Dassler was inspired by a single idea
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His vision was to provide every athlete
with the best footwear for his respective discipline.
It was this principle
that guided him right up until his death in 1978.
700 patents and other industrial property rights
worldwide are proof of his permanent quest for perfection.
".the kicks."
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.adidas new york city. [limited edition]
.adidas superstar.
Prince Dreamer
Name: Patrick Fehroz
First Breath on: 04th November 1987
Small Size
Loves Music
Likes to dance
Day Dreamer
Loves to talk
Huge Dreams
Respect people who tries. Even if it is a small thing or even if it fails.
Dance... The poetry of movements.. Every step links to another.. It tells a story.. A story only spoken by a body.. A story which comes from inside.. which never lies.. It let others see what music is.. Fit for everyone.. No matter who you are. Dance is my pulse, my heartbeat, my breathing . Its the rhythm of my life. Its an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy!
The Story
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Dreamer @ Thursday, August 30, 2007
Today... I heard the news that my Friend passed away... He went up to his flat and jumped... I dunno why... I spoke to him last week for the first time... WE have always said or HI to each other but the first we sat down and talked some life issues.... I didn't know that he was facing such a terrible time.. I could have done something to help but i didn't... Sadly he is gone... He was such a joker.. Making stupid remarks making people laugh all the time... He had the courage to jump from a flat...Why didn't he have the courage to live on... ALSON.. You will be missed by alot of people... I can't accept the fact that you are gone... But you will live on in my heart forever... I will always remember that once, a dude named Alson made me laugh..
WE Humans are so precious.... So precious that we can't take pressure... It just needs one jump to end our life... we are so Fragile...
thanx for all the great kicks
Blogged by..
Dreamer @ Monday, August 27, 2007
The loser is always part of the problem.
The winner is always part of the answer.
The loser always has an excuse.
The winner always has a program.
The loser says, "That is not my job."
The winner says, "Let me do it for you."
The loser sees a problem to every answer.
The winner sees an answer to every problem.
The loser sees a sand trop near every green.
The winner sees a green near every sand trap.
The loser says it may be possiblt but it is too difficult.
The winner says it may be difficut but it is possible.
thanx for all the great kicks
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Dreamer @ Sunday, August 26, 2007
Its been quite a long time since i blogged normally.. Or maybe this is abnormall...AHHH whatever... Anyway alot happened this week...
Arts Festival was really demanding... Staying back in school to rehearse everyday was practially madness.. But nevertheless it was fun.. My fellow actors was awesome.. Having alot of fun with them and gay moments...LOL..And finally when the day came... I gave it my best shot and man.. I was impressed with my self... I did pretty well.. I almost cried while acting the character that i played...
That madness is over and now time to mug for my promos... Seriously... I am dying... I have got so much to do yet so little time...
thanx for all the great kicks
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Dreamer @ Friday, August 24, 2007
When I see your smile
Tears run down my face I can’t replace
And now that I’m stronger I’ve figured out
How this world turns cold and breaks through my soul
And I know I’ll find deep inside me I can be the one
I will never let you fall
I’ll stand up with you forever
I’ll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
It’s ok. It’s ok. It’s ok.
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I’ll be the one
I will never let you fall
I’ll stand up with you forever
I’ll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
Cuz you’re my, you’re my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don’t throw that away
Cuz I’m here for you
Please don’t walk away,
Please tell me you’ll stay, stay
Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I’ll be ok
Though my skies are turning gray
I will never let you fall
I’ll stand up with you forever
I’ll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
thanx for all the great kicks
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Dreamer @ Monday, August 20, 2007
a little heart beating so fast
while a minute ago it was just as normal as any other day.
the cat pounced on me
and brought me down to the ground.
i was this little bird
full of pride...
of my ability to take flight
of my ability to escape from those vicious paws and curious minds...
but it was my carelessness
that took my pride.
i struggled through the attack
she was like a block of skyscrapper ripping at me in all directions
i struggled
i failed
i gave in to fate...
but came a lady screaming and taking me away from my harm
but it was too late
my little heart has bled
but yet not to be seen.
for the last night of my very short life
i sat in a luxurious cage she had
yet he took me to another place
i listened as the world goes by
for the last time
i slept and in the morning
i struggled to stay awake till he came with a worm in his hand
'good morning' i heard him say
but before i could say 'goodbye',
i choked on my last breath and went away.
thanx for all the great kicks
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Dreamer @ Friday, August 10, 2007
when i fly
i see not one in view
when i dive
i lose myself in view
but when i stop to look
i see all things in view
they soar, they dive,
they wonder why
yet only i can understand
thus i just stop to view
and through viewing i then learn
it's not how you move
it's not what you see
it's how you learn to
move when you are still
and how you soar
and how you dive
and how to understand
your view.
so now i sit to learn
to view
to understand the lessons
in my view
i soar, i dive, i wonder why
yet i am still sitting still
it'llcome one day
when i shall understand
when i return
to fly
i shall fly
with wings opened wide
yet understand
i shall soar
i shall dive
have i come to understand all things in view.
thanx for all the great kicks
Blogged by..
Dreamer @ Thursday, August 09, 2007
What is LOVE?
Love is my mom and my dad married for 26 years. Love is when I gave everything i've got without never asking anything in return. Love is when my dad hit the hell out of me trying to correct me. Love is a fact not fiction. Love is love. Love breaks all barriers. Love makes everything possible. My friends are my family. THAT is LOVE. Love is when grandpa and granny walk down the streets holding hands. Love is when a boy and a girl dress up and go out just to smell each other. Love is giving your french fries to that speical somone without wanting any of theirs. When that special someone calls your name, you know that your name is safe in their mouth, thats love. Love is walking into someone's life when everybody has walked out. Love is when u realise when there is no one to hold u tight, there is me. Love is when u make time for sacrifices. Love is what the world began with and what will bring the world to an end....
Give all the love you have got, before its too late.
thanx for all the great kicks
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Dreamer @ Monday, August 06, 2007

i see i do
you see you do
why do we imitate those who succeed
and find it so hard to be where they are?
that is because those who got there
went there their own way
we try and try
but they just dared!
we are so afraid to be our own leaders
to make up our own mind
to make our own decisions
hence, we are followers
its so much safer to follow
and try to be where they were
and when we dun get there
we say, 'life's not fair!'
on the contrary,
life is fair!
they got there because they dared
they got there because they created their dreams
therefore be daring
be brave
be yourself
create your own dream/s
follow your heart
listen to your little voice
dun just monkey see monkey do
you get me?
thanx for all the great kicks
future is always in the future
if you worry about the future
you have missed the present
it's easy to forget that we live in the present
in the past..
we have achieved
we have failed
we have recieved
we have given
in the future we might
recieved, give, achieve, fail
but if we dun live in the NOW
we are as good as dead
as good as a thought till we are in the present future
but we so often run ahead of ourselves
that we never change up with ourselves
hence never at the future
always in fear of the uncertainty of the future!
we forget how we looked when we were twelve
without the reminder of a photo
live the moment by the moment
treasure each and every breath
for without just one we discontinue our existence
be thoughtful of our
every move
every word
every thought
send out your wishes
let your future come to you
let the promise be fulfilled
dun sabotage yourself...
thanx for all the great kicks
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Dreamer @ Sunday, August 05, 2007
why do i always feel like i could be more interesting
why is it that other people's lives always seem more interesting than ours
maybe it's because we believe that we dun deserve
we dun deserve to be rich, to be healthy, to be happy...
how often do we look down on ourselves?
i sit here infront of the window looking out
at the forest of high rise flats in singapore
feeling caged in by the window grills...
i am trapped
i dun deserve to be free
i dun deserve to think
i dun deserve to speak...
then i looked up at the sky
it says to me
you deserve as all of us do
what i have
you have
what i can attain
you can
then i closed my eyes
felt my skin grew into the air
collided and merged
i felt the trees in me
i felt i deserve
i felt peace
i felt chaos
i felt whole
then there was no fear
just ME!
thanx for all the great kicks
Blogged by..
Dreamer @ Thursday, August 02, 2007
I wanna be 'your' rain...
The rain rain rain...
It's not enough to be the one who holds you
It's not enough to be the one your close to
I want to be so much more
The love that your living for
The air you breath
I wanna be everything that touches you everything
I wanna be the rain that falls on you
Washes away the pain
I wanna be the sun that shines on you
Warms your world each day
I wanna be the sky that holds the stars for you
So you never lose your way
I wanna be the wind that kisses your face
I wanna be the rain
It's not enough for me to be around you
I wanna be everything that surrounds you
The sun to light up on your skin
Each breath that your breathing in
Or that you need
I wanna be everything that touches you everything
I wanna be the rain that falls on you
Washes away the painI wanna be the sun that shines on you
Warms your world each day
I wanna be the sky that holds the stars for you
So you never lose your way
I wanna be the wind that kisses your face
I wanna be the rain
And even in your sleep when your dreaming
I wanna be the only thing you see won't you be there in everything
I wanna be the rain that falls on you
Washes away the pain
I wanna be the sun that shines on you
Warms your world each day
I wanna be the sky that holds the stars for you
So you never lose your way
I wanna be the wind that kisses your face
I wanna be the rain I wanna be the... rain
Rain... The Rain
I DO...
thanx for all the great kicks
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